Sunday, December 9, 2012

Acts 22:14-15

New International Version (NIV)
14 “Then he said: ‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. 15 You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard. 

Hi all,
 This verse was God's encouragement to me the other morning.  I'm always glad when the Lord Himself reminds me of why I'm here, what we're doing, and of His support and approval of this whole project.  There have been days when i began to wonder whats going on, then i get something like this, we start to pray, and then there's always a turn of events. 
        So lately i've been adding one student a week to my tutoring schedule.  I've got a couple of schools lined up for january as well as classes of my own planned.  Should be fun.  
    This picture/video below is one of the classes where i taught dance routines.  The big school Christmas program is this wednesday, woohoo!
          Things are going well at Amigos and Hermanos too.  The pastor there is interested in visiting camps as well as a number of members.  It appears God wants to use me as a mobilizer as much as an evangelist, to get some of the folks in the churches here adopting different camps for discipleship and weekly bible study.   We're planning on heading out to a camp again this monday God willing, just a few of us to see what God might raise up out there.  Please pray nothing stops us from going, and that God leads us to a camp that really needs discipleship.
          The only thing that really hasn't materialized is sufficient funds to get home for Christmas and get my stuff.  My folks were willing to pay for a flight home but that would just be frustrating knowing i've got a van waiting for me in phoenix and a bunch of furniture and things at my house waiting to be moved down here.  So, I've told them i'd make one last check in with you all to see if anyone has ability and desire to contribute to my homecoming.  If thats the case please let me know right away.   
           Otherwise it looks like i'll just be having myself a merry little Christmas mexican style.  Not the end of the world really,  I have alot of friends here and even a short mission trip opportunity i could take if i stay.  One thing i really learned this summer at YWAM was to not be afraid to let God change all my well laid plans, let Him be God, while i trust and see what He wants to do.  His ideas are always way more rewarding and life changing than mine were anyway. 
                Lately, I've taken to just asking God to give me an opportunity to share the love of Jesus everyday with someone.  Its so awesome to see all the many and varied ways He makes that happen.  Ahh, I'm just so glad you guys let me come down here as a missionary,  I really feel like i've found my corner of the harvest field.  Thank you so much for helping me accomplish Gods calling on my life.  Please write back with prayer requests of your own so i can also participate in Gods calling on your lives as well.

many blessings to you all!


Friday, November 23, 2012

typical day here in Culiacan,  hot, sweaty and living by faith.
 thanking God every moment for the opportunity to live out Gods call on my life to evangelize the lost
this is how the sunday school gets to the church and back in Villa Juarez

lots of joy!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds  James 1:2

hi all
just a quick update this time with some prayer requests.  I've been here for a month with many ups and downs, set backs and plan B's and C's etc.  Looks like there's just alot of warfare aiming to discourage me and send me home.  I know the Lord has called me to be here to reach the indigenous with the gospel, so i'm staying put.  I also know that when you all pray in earnest everything turns around.  
So here's how to pray:

That we can actually get to a camp starting tonight.  no issues
Favor with the camp management
That God will lead us to those who are eager to hear the gospel and be discipled

Pray that i can get some side work as a tutor while i'm waiting for the visa
pray i get that visa at last !!
pray God provides the money to get the van, get home, and drive down here.
Pray for a team to come down with me for a few days, just after Christmas.

I know if you all pray, God will do these things and this ministry will continue to grow and move forward.  Every missionary i've ever read about goes through this stage where there's no money and nothing seems to be working out.  I know its a test to stretch my faith and endurance, to see how bad i really want to do this.  Thank you for joining me in prayer so we can overcome in this season together.  I'll be home in three weeks eager to share with everyone how God has answered our prayers.

         Thanks to those of you who've written.  i've been reading your emails, just havent been able to get back to each person individually, i really appreciate the words of encouragement and especially knowing you all havent forgotten me but are lifting me up in prayer. 
        Cant WAIT to see how God works this all out!

Many blessings to you all


Thursday, November 1, 2012

first ten days

Hi everyone,

things are going awesome down here in mexico.  i've been having a blast visiting churches, making friends, and putting the house together.  camp visitation and teaching start soon, so i've been putting all my energy these past 10 days into getting the house livable.

 here's a brief outline of how its gone:

saturday night:  arrived at airport and went to dinner with roommates, booboo included, at 11:30pm, why not.

sunday went to church, came home, passed out, woke up, went to depot, taught my roommates how to dance, gave self black eye building shelf unit, fun!

monday:  called schools,  emails, online homework, washed clothes by hand, cleaned house, hid from humanity on account of hideous looking black eye

tuesday: took dog on bus to migration office, then out to village on bus, booboo head out window.  met friend who doesn't own a phone or a car, brought friend here, let him chat with my boss, mike, on compu for the first time in his life.  you may have seen the picture on Facebook.  prepped soil for garden

wednesday:visited depot, again for garden tools, bought floor mats, organizers, dishes, etc came home, installed same. annoyed at leaky pipes under sinks and mounting ant and cockroach numbers.

thursday:planted square foot style veg garden (with help) in front plot, pulled weeds, started compost heap.  bought morning catch shrimp from some guy in a truck on street, yum!

friday: took dog to village funeral.  hung out ALL DAY with family while kids played with dog near an open casket, 6 ft away, women made food, some cried, some sang.  very odd but very touching

saturday: went downtown to singing practice, electric so loud you can't hear singers, at all.  lol.  went to fabric store, paid $1.50 a yard for oodles of curtain fabric

sunday: dog and i both ill,  we just do everything together now ;o/   started curtains, huge job, 9ft ceilings  whew! video taped booboo attacking cockroach.

monday:  called school, papers nearly done,  built pantry shelving, pulled weeds, more visits to walmart and depot on foot. taught arturo and alfredo to dance.

tuesday: man fumigated house to lower population of termites, cockroaches, ants, etc,  took dog downtown on bus, got lost, ate coconut.  brought home ridiculous amount of fabric, looked hilarious, like overloaded santa with dog and curtain rods on bus.

wednesday: plumber replaced two leaky faucets and a totally stopped up drain, i sewed, jael ironed, arturo installed curtain rods, one more dance lesson. then bible study, then walmart, turned down 11pm dinner offer, time for bed, and here we are!

tomorrow we install light fixtures, find a bed frame, finish living room curtains, visit school and migration again, do online homework, visit a village cell group and teach another dance class!

so yes, i'm having a great time.  just really love it here.  i guess i'm doing well at living in the moment because i keep forgetting to write people back home and tell them whats up and how its going.  i walk slower, i wait with more patience, i think i worry less.  there are very few mirrors and clocks around too,  that helps.

my equipment comes in just a few days so we'll start camp visitation and evangelism next week.  I'll likely start teaching english next week too.  Good time to pray.   Another key prayer request:  Mike found a van in new mexico we have decided to purchase.  i'll attach pictures.  looks like its a donation from another mission minded church.  we only have to pay for some repairs, it will come to around $1000.  if thats something you'd like to be a part of just let me know.  i'd like to be able to pay mike when i pass thru phoenix on my way home in december.

Thanks again to all of your for your faithful prayers and financial support.  i'll write again after evangelism starts and let you all know how that went.  Pray for open hearts!

all for now

Friday, October 19, 2012

Esther and Jael

Welcome,  Esther and Jael, my first two roommates and ministry partners.  what a blessing they are!

Thanks to all of you who were able to attend the fiesta night!

We had a great turn out, wonderful food, singing, and an all around good time.  A huge thank you to Natalie Arnett for putting that all together for me.  I for one, sincerely enjoyed the opportunity to thank so many of you in person who have been praying for me and who have supported me financially.  It was a joy and privilege to recount all that God had done over the summer with your efforts and mine combined.
So tonight i wanted to give you one final update from the states since I'll be flying out of LAX this saturday evening.  After so much prayer, plan changing and rearranging, it finally became obvious that God would have me fly down and come back for the van load of stuff in december.  Oh well, who needs a couch anyway, wasnt really planning on sitting around down there after all!

What i will do is get right to work on sorting out my work visa,  preparing to teach english at TecMilenio, purchasing essentials for the house i've rented with Jael and Esther, and most of all return to visit the indigenous church out in Villa Juarez.  Their hunger for greater understanding of the Lord and His ways is so refreshing.  I pray i will be able to bless them as much as their passion and commitment blesses me.

I also wanted to give you all an accounting of where i am financially.  Of the $700 i've budgeted for monthly expenses i'm about 30% supported.  God willing i will be able to offset some of that myself when my visa clears 3-6 months from now.  As for my start up goal of $5000 i have about $4000 so far.  Thats amazing progress in only three weeks and I thank the Lord for every dollar donated.  If God is putting it on your heart to support me financially, you will find the paypal option on the agape website quick and simple to use.

One last news flash:  a number of us started praying tuesday night for the Lord to provide a van for the ministry and to bring down stuff in december.  mike hendricks informs me that someone has offered a 15 passenger van perfectly suited for this task for only $600.  if you're the type that gets excited about things like that and you'd like to contribute toward that van, please let me know right away.  

Thank you so much, all of you, for being so helpful and supportive these past few weeks at home.  I've felt loved and well cared for and I know you will continue to pray for me and this amazing ministry God has us in together.  I'll let you know how things turn out once i arrive and get sorted.

Much love and gratefulness

 Here I am at my house in culiacan, next to my imaginary garden

Worshiping with all our might out at a work camp

I find puppies wherever i go in mexico

Every hand raised represents a decision to follow Jesus!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Step

hi everyone

thanks for all your prayers and support, we've come along way havent we.  so far this past week in Culiacan i've rented a house, gotten a job, started pulling together this seasons ministry team and even managed to speak twice at the small church gatherings in villa juarez.  I've even got two lovely roommates moving into the house in culiacan with me.  I cant thank you enough for the words of encouragement, funds of faith, but mostly your prayers.  God indeed has done it! ... and a whole lot faster than i was ever imagining!


so, many of you have been asking about the new missions organization i'll be going with.  Their name is Agape Mission Projects.  They have focused on indigenous people groups in Mexico for about the past 20 years.  It was my privelage this past summer to be accepted as one of their full time missionaries.  The founder is Sheri Burk who based her ministry in Oaxaca for years, you can read more about her on the website .  Mike Hendricks is on the board and has stepped in as my mentor, helper, and oft-time driver for my ministry in mexico.  Mike will be coming into San Luis Obipso with Cora his wife october 9th.  Natalie is already planning a dinner party in my backyard so you all can meet mike and hear more about agape projects, their vision and scope of ministry in addtion to my plans for this coming season of ministry in Culiacan.  Be sure not to miss it:


October 11th


1143 fernwood Drive


Lastly, I wanted let you all know that from now on all donation funds can go through apape projects.  On the website, you can look for my bio under "the team" or go straight to the donation tab.  There you will find a drop down menu that allows you to make a one time or recurring auto payment through paypal.  simply select "sally" as the designation for the funds and i will receive your gift with a grateful heart.  For those of you who would rather use the mail, you may write a check out to:


Agape Mission Projects

(write "sally" in the memo line and mail to)

P.O. Box # 151

Camp Verde, AZ 86322


I'm so thankful for the support and leadership Agape is giving me but First Baptist Church will always be my home church, full of my best friends, and best prayer partners too.  Thanks for taking this journey with me and I look forward to seeing most of you this sunday at church!


God is good, in fact, better than expected ;o)

