Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Step

hi everyone

thanks for all your prayers and support, we've come along way havent we.  so far this past week in Culiacan i've rented a house, gotten a job, started pulling together this seasons ministry team and even managed to speak twice at the small church gatherings in villa juarez.  I've even got two lovely roommates moving into the house in culiacan with me.  I cant thank you enough for the words of encouragement, funds of faith, but mostly your prayers.  God indeed has done it! ... and a whole lot faster than i was ever imagining!


so, many of you have been asking about the new missions organization i'll be going with.  Their name is Agape Mission Projects.  They have focused on indigenous people groups in Mexico for about the past 20 years.  It was my privelage this past summer to be accepted as one of their full time missionaries.  The founder is Sheri Burk who based her ministry in Oaxaca for years, you can read more about her on the website .  Mike Hendricks is on the board and has stepped in as my mentor, helper, and oft-time driver for my ministry in mexico.  Mike will be coming into San Luis Obipso with Cora his wife october 9th.  Natalie is already planning a dinner party in my backyard so you all can meet mike and hear more about agape projects, their vision and scope of ministry in addtion to my plans for this coming season of ministry in Culiacan.  Be sure not to miss it:


October 11th


1143 fernwood Drive


Lastly, I wanted let you all know that from now on all donation funds can go through apape projects.  On the website, you can look for my bio under "the team" or go straight to the donation tab.  There you will find a drop down menu that allows you to make a one time or recurring auto payment through paypal.  simply select "sally" as the designation for the funds and i will receive your gift with a grateful heart.  For those of you who would rather use the mail, you may write a check out to:


Agape Mission Projects

(write "sally" in the memo line and mail to)

P.O. Box # 151

Camp Verde, AZ 86322


I'm so thankful for the support and leadership Agape is giving me but First Baptist Church will always be my home church, full of my best friends, and best prayer partners too.  Thanks for taking this journey with me and I look forward to seeing most of you this sunday at church!


God is good, in fact, better than expected ;o)

