Hi All,
Thanks so much for your prayers and support on our recent journey to Europe. It was clear from the beginning that God was in this. We spent our first Sunday at Calvary Shoreline North London, A church plant out of Morro bay, California. A lovely group of young people meeting in an ancient building welcomed us and made us sorry we only had one day there. If you're ever in London I'd encourage you to look them up.
Glasgow was next where our friend Rhoda toured us around to different refuge outreaches and another new/old church on the north side of the river. Amazing concept. I am pictured here with Caroline in front of their statement of faith. Read it, it will inspire you. 
Then France. I need to do a DNA check because I felt I had come home to my people. Daniel and Sylvianne welcomed us into their home. They are the directors of GRN France and by God's grace and your prayers I hope to be working closely with them soon.
GRN makes recordings of the gospel in languages of people who don't often read and who rarely have access to the gospel. I worked with GRN in Mexico and was very happy to see how much they're doing with the loads of migrants in France, particularly Marseille.
Another wonderful surprise was to see how many different organizations and people from different churches are working together in the city. I plan to go back in May and it's going to be hard even to choose which church to make my home. Gambetta, Evangelical Free church is one example. They host a free french class for anyone to come a few nights a week. This is a wonderful way to reach out to new comers to the city, even me!
Another church goes directly to the places where migrants live. You can see them playing a recording of the Zacchaeus story for these Albanian kids here. That was so much fun, I can hardly wait to get back there.
So, it's obvious I'm in love with the country and the ministry I could do there. God's confirmation is also important. That came when I could only find one place to look at that I could afford. It just happens to have a small garden, be a few blocks from the Mediterranean and allows dogs . God is amazing!
Caroline says hello from the Patio.
I just signed the lease today. I'll stay there from May until July as a tourist while I work out the details with the Aix-Marseille University. They tell me I can come on a work/study visa starting this September. This will give me the legal rights to teach English out of my home and hopefully help my French at the same time. Whew, lots happening!
So, please pray for what's still outstanding:
- God would provide long term income for life in Marseille
- God would show me where to make my home church
- God would continue to clarify how He wants me to do ministry in Marseille
- God would use me to reach people with His love and salvation
- I would seek God Himself over and above His direction and provision.
Thank you all so much for your faithfulness, we are definitely in this together!
Every blessing to you,
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