Tuesday, July 12, 2016

May 2016 update
Greetings in Jesus name friends!

Thanks so much for your prayers and your giving this past season.  Unfortunately, i got pretty sick this year, but because of your faithfulness i was able to back off on some of my english classes and just focus on the ministry. when i was too worn out to go, others here stepped in and were stretched in their faith thru the opportunity.  We had a good year, with a lot of people coming very regularly to study the bible chapter by chapter with us.  I gave out nearly all the bibles and lots of people prayed to receive Christ.  One group in particular was so curious about what the bible REALLY says, it was a joy to teach them.  they are all from the mixteco tribe down in the south of mexico.  please pray for them as they most likely are facing pressure from the catholic church down there to leave the purity of the gospel and return to hypocrisy and idolatry.  Often the local government persecutes young believers placing heavy fines for not participating in the catholic church.  other times they are chased off their land and evicted from their homes.  please join me in praying for the protection of my friends from camp nuevo.
         I could also use prayer.  my sweet little deal taking care of the house in Valle Alto came to an end last week.  However, It looks like God has provided a new place to rent, much faster than i expected, not too far from the old house.  please just pray God gives wisdom and insight as i'm getting ready to sign a contract to rent the house and have to pay out of pocket to make a few adjustments to make it livable for me.
       My health is steadily improving as I've been on a strict diet for several months.  My left shoulder is only half frozen shut now so that's improvement.  We're at the place where the nice doctor has to press hard and work out some serious adhesions in the bicep and shoulder blade area.  I find praying for my suffering brothers and sisters in other parts of the world is the best medicine for the pain.  who knows, maybe that's why God has allowed me to go thru this.
       So as you may have gathered, I'm planing on staying down here this summer to recuperate and get the new house together and get more involved with the church in the city here as well as my new neighbors.  I'll miss seeing you guys this summer but you're always in my prayers as we get closer to the Lord's return.

in brief here are the prayer requests:
  God protects and sustains all the new believers i discipled this past season
God leads my friends Goyo and Irene to stay here in Culiacan and work with me in the camps next season.
God continues to heal my immune system and the tendinitis in my shoulder 
God guides me with the leasing of a new house
God uses me to reach folks here in Culiacan this summer
God deals with the drama going on in the house in SLO so I'm not distracted from His work here

blessings to you all!


​Goyo and his family when they first came to church, a few months ago.  the whole family got saved together that day.  now they come with me to the camps.  pray they dont have to move back to Mexico city !

kids who attend the bible study with eagerness.  from camp 20

​​this is what a senior saint looks like in Mexico  ;oP

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