Monday, December 26, 2016

​Hi Friends and Family,
Well its official now,  no more guessing and wondering if its all in my head​.  This just in today from the Doctor:
​All the arthritis, tired all the time, forgetting everything, adrenal fatigue ​and depressed immune system at least has a name and a reason.  So, I've been down here in    Mexico for 2 weeks now, tired some days, good on others.  I brought all my supplements and they seem to be helping.  The plan for now is to stay right here in sunny mexico, starting the antibiotics to kill the Lyme coordinating with the doc here      in Culiacan.  I would appreciate your continued prayers as it looks like its going to be a long, expensive battle.  As far as I've learned, Lyme isn't deadly, and it can be cured with enough antibiotics.  Others tell me you never really get rid of it, but it can be managed.  So, I'm going to manage it!
 I'm going to keep visiting camps in the evenings, keep thanking God everyday for the privilege to serve Him down here among people who want to know how to get to heaven.  I promise to take all my pills and not eat bad stuff, and rest when I'm tired.
     Most of all I'm writing to garner all your prayers.  Good advice is good but it's prayer that really rocks my world.  There is an enemy out there who doesn't want the message of God's love and forgiveness to get out.  But God is bigger than that enemy.  Just keep praying that good triumphs over evil, in my body and in the ministry too.  Thru your prayers the truck will keep running, my house will still function, the camps will still be open, people will still be glad to hear about Jesus and I'll have the energy to keep my little English school running as well as visit camps in the evenings.  Thru your prayers God will heal me of this nasty bacteria and I'll learn a lot more patience than I ever dreamed was necessary!
    Feel free to pass this email on to whomever I may have forgotten to inform.  I'm not a private person and I love to know others are praying for my recovery.  By God's grace I'll steadily improve over the coming months in time to migrate back to California the first week of May and hopefully a big family reunion shortly after.  A huge thank you to those who have supported me, prayed and worried, and done so much to help me get down here.  It will be worth it all when we see Jesus  ;o)
Blessings to you all 

verse of the hour:
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.         2 Corinthians 4:16

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hey everyone,
  Just in case you missed the news on facebook, my health took a dive and my back got pretty bad so I'm coming home to see the doctor and recuperate.  my shoulder has been frozen for 6 months now but that hasn't stopped me from sharing the gospel with everyone who will listen.  God moved me into a new neighborhood about a month ago, and I've really enjoyed telling the new neighbors about Jesus and His love.  I'm renting this house from a nice family and the owners son, Jos, trades gardening for English lessons.  It was funny when we realized after a while that we both prefer gardening to English lessons.
​ so the garden's coming along but the best news is that Jos got saved last week. I gave him a bible and took him to the bible study the associate pastor runs, near his home.  Friday, during English class, he said he'd like to join me in the camps next year.  What a huge answer to prayer that is because my best friends and coworkers, Goyo and Irene, have to move back to Mexico City next month.  That led us to invite Jos to our workers night out where he had a wonderful time getting to know the other evangelists I work with out here.  He fits right in with Gerardo and the gang. I'm so glad he will be in good hands while I'm resting up in the states this summer.  here's a few pics of our last supper as we called it.
Jos                              Goyo                    Gerardo
 I'm hoping Jos might join Gera and I on the long trip up to the border so he can learn more about the ministry and get to know us better before I'm totally gone.
Juni and I
the whole gang minus one couple

     So, speaking of this summer, I got this idea this morning that I'd love to do a small group Bible Study while I'm in SLO.  The theme will be "lessons from the mission field".  I just want to share with anyone interested some of the things God has taught me serving him here these past 4 years.  We'll talk about faith, miracles, obedience, risk, finances, divine opportunities and God's goodness among other things.  just let me know if that interests you at all and what night you'd be available and I'll work out a good time for our get togethers.

Lastly, I just wanted to thank you all for your faithful support and prayers.  Changes at the church mean I can now see what people are giving and when.  Thank the Lord for the faithfulness of the accounting people, I'm able to use every penny donated to further the gospel.  So you all can give to your hearts content knowing the money is going where you designate.  If you want to give anonymously simply state that on a note with your check.  All giving will be especially welcome this month as I'm making the big trek home to spend a lot of time at the doctors office. 

so prayer requests in brief:
Praise God for Jos' salvation, pray he's discipled and stands firm in his faith
Pray God heals me up quick so I am well in time for next years ministry
Pray God leads Goyo and Irene to a good church and ministry when they move to Mexico City
Pray for travel mercies, open doors for the gospel and provision on my long journey home

Thanks saints !
blessings to you and see you soon

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

May 2016 update
Greetings in Jesus name friends!

Thanks so much for your prayers and your giving this past season.  Unfortunately, i got pretty sick this year, but because of your faithfulness i was able to back off on some of my english classes and just focus on the ministry. when i was too worn out to go, others here stepped in and were stretched in their faith thru the opportunity.  We had a good year, with a lot of people coming very regularly to study the bible chapter by chapter with us.  I gave out nearly all the bibles and lots of people prayed to receive Christ.  One group in particular was so curious about what the bible REALLY says, it was a joy to teach them.  they are all from the mixteco tribe down in the south of mexico.  please pray for them as they most likely are facing pressure from the catholic church down there to leave the purity of the gospel and return to hypocrisy and idolatry.  Often the local government persecutes young believers placing heavy fines for not participating in the catholic church.  other times they are chased off their land and evicted from their homes.  please join me in praying for the protection of my friends from camp nuevo.
         I could also use prayer.  my sweet little deal taking care of the house in Valle Alto came to an end last week.  However, It looks like God has provided a new place to rent, much faster than i expected, not too far from the old house.  please just pray God gives wisdom and insight as i'm getting ready to sign a contract to rent the house and have to pay out of pocket to make a few adjustments to make it livable for me.
       My health is steadily improving as I've been on a strict diet for several months.  My left shoulder is only half frozen shut now so that's improvement.  We're at the place where the nice doctor has to press hard and work out some serious adhesions in the bicep and shoulder blade area.  I find praying for my suffering brothers and sisters in other parts of the world is the best medicine for the pain.  who knows, maybe that's why God has allowed me to go thru this.
       So as you may have gathered, I'm planing on staying down here this summer to recuperate and get the new house together and get more involved with the church in the city here as well as my new neighbors.  I'll miss seeing you guys this summer but you're always in my prayers as we get closer to the Lord's return.

in brief here are the prayer requests:
  God protects and sustains all the new believers i discipled this past season
God leads my friends Goyo and Irene to stay here in Culiacan and work with me in the camps next season.
God continues to heal my immune system and the tendinitis in my shoulder 
God guides me with the leasing of a new house
God uses me to reach folks here in Culiacan this summer
God deals with the drama going on in the house in SLO so I'm not distracted from His work here

blessings to you all!


​Goyo and his family when they first came to church, a few months ago.  the whole family got saved together that day.  now they come with me to the camps.  pray they dont have to move back to Mexico city !

kids who attend the bible study with eagerness.  from camp 20

​​this is what a senior saint looks like in Mexico  ;oP