Hi All,
Greetings in Jesus Name. As some of you have figured out by now, I got pretty sick last April and am still in the recovery process. It became clear that it was time for a 7th year Sabbatical, a year off to rest, recover, and seek God's will for the future. This suspicion was confirmed by pastor, doctor, mom, dad and kids all saying the same thing, Sally puleeeease take a break! So, since I got home in April, I figured I could stand it until next April, before I would be crying with Paul, "Woe unto me if I do not preach the gospel!”.
As I have had lots of time to sit in the garden with a cup of tea meditating on Gods goodness, even more direction has become clear. Mexico, as much as I love it, miss it, and feel more at home there than here, is not a good place for a person with 3rd stage Lyme, (the phase where one can easily catch other diseases if one isn't careful). I needed to know where else God would like me to go. So, I asked myself these questions:
What would I do if I wasn't afraid?
What would I do if I didn’t worry about money?
What would I do if I was only thinking about pleasing God?
What would I really love to do if no one was there to stop me?
Europe, England, France, I would love to go and reach out to the influx of middle eastern immigrants there. So many are very disillusioned with Islam and are openly seeking to know who Jesus is, and what does the Bible really say. The love of God is drawing them. I'm told a number of the dusty old traditional churches of Europe have been spared museum status because so many new believers have come in from the refugee population. That sounds to me like God is working there. I want to go and be right in the middle of what God is doing. I have always loved the UK as well as France, actually, French was my first second language, so I've been exploring options and agencies that I might partner with in ministry. Some friends at Shoreline filled me in that UK isn't handing out so many visas for missionaries these days, so it's quite likely I will find myself in France at this time next year.
Would you please pray with me as God leads me through this bend in the road that:
- God would clearly direct me to just the right sending agency
- God would help me resurrect my French
- God would increase my support base to match the higher cost of living in Europe
- God would totally heal me of all disease as I rest and cooperate with the doctors protocol
- God would keep the believers in Mexico walking with Him

Thank you all so much for your prayer support, financial support and your understanding. I appreciate it now more than ever.
Blessings to you all in the service of Christ,
Until otherwise specified, donations are joyfully accepted at Mission Quest . https://give.missionquest.org/missionary/131