Hi Everyone,
Blessings to you in the new year! Thanks so much for your prayers and financial support this past year. God and you all have been so faithful it has made it possible for me to continue down here sharing the gospel and making disciples. What a joy!
As an answer to prayer, my health is improving and I've got nearly a full schedule now of camp Bible Studies. I started the year with a visit by Caroline Reeves and Heidi Keas. Their support was a tremendous blessing and encouragment. They were so amazed at how easy it is to share the gospel with folks down here, and many more came out to our meetings because of them.
Anyone else want to come on down?
Well, God is working overtime this year, and now in almost every camp where I go I've got a contact person who is actively reaching out and caring for the others in our Bible Study group. I couldn't be more thrilled, to see disciples making disciples is increase indeed.
One brother is Antonio, together with his wife and kids, he is always inviting new people to join our little group. We basicly just take turns sharing the word and encouraging the brothers to walk with God. As a result, a few more came out to Cesar's church in Villa Juarez sunday and dedicated their lives to the Lord. They're from camp Emilion.
Last night, we went out to camp Quemadito. There, much to our surprise we met a nice young lady named Ruth. She is an evangelist, and was half way thru seminary when hard times hit and she had to come work in the camps. Because of her inviting and prodding, twice as many people came to our Bible Study last night. What a great time we had! I'm eager to see how God is going to continue to use her to bring people to Christ this season.
So as you can see we're in full swing down here. The Culiacan Project starts next week, where americans, mexicans, missionaries, evangelists and wanna-be's will all be setting up camp out in San Pedro for a month of Jesus film outreach, and distribution of the gospel in the indian dialects. We want to be sure to support them in prayer as there's always a ton of warfare when such advances are made for the kingdom.
And if that weren't enough excitment, my son Christopher is also planning on coming out for a short visit next week! Do pray God blesses his trip and uses him to reach souls for Christ. He's always had a heart for evangelism and quite a gift for language as well. plus he can fix stuff ;o) As you can see I'm anxious to see what God will do there.
Ok, the prayer requests in brief:
God work thru the Culiacan Project to reach and save the least reached of Mexico
God keep spreading the gospel thru me and others in the camps.
God get me fully recovered and keep me strong this year.
God bless Christopher's visit
God raise up more people to go out to camp with me.
God protect us all from the inevitable backlash from the enemy.
God send more full time missionaries to work in this incredible harvest field.
Thanks again for all your support
Through God's grace, you guys are making all this happen!