Thursday, September 21, 2017

New Season, New Agency

Hi Faithful friends and family!

         God is so good, and once again I've made it all the way down here to sunny Mexico in one piece.  The house was a moldy mess and lots of things were leaking or broken, so I've been a bit busy getting all that sorted.  Just about every year is the same,  lots of jobs for Mr. Fixit when I return.  I've been here a week now and we're nearly done, Praise God. 
         English classes are gearing up again and I hope to go out to the camps soon as well.  Please pray I can get more folks from here to come out with me.  The camps are filling up and I'd love to get started right away now that the rainy season is nearly over.  I've already gotten two calls from people I met last year, asking when I might be able to visit or take them to church.  They are so hungry for the Lord, worship and to learn from the Word of God.

          Another news item, if you missed the FBC send off, I've signed on with Mission Quest to handle my donation money.  FBC did a great job for 5 years but has encouraged me to find a different money processing agency.  I really tried to do the 501c3 but it became obvious that it's way too much for my size ministry.  Mission Quest can be found online and they make it really easy to donate online too.  They give me a notice every time anyone gives and I will get the money at the end of each month.  There will be accountability on either end.  You can be sure the money is going to me, and I can be made aware of who is donating, when and how much.  I will finally be able to answer your question, "hey Sally,  did you get my check?"   Everything is tax deductible and they only take out about 8% for admin fees, less than most.   Here's the link to give online:

Mission quest will send you a receipt, and notify me, immediately.   For those of you who prefer to write checks you can certainly do so.  Here's the address, remember to write "Sally Weltner" in the memo line.

Mission Quest
PO box 558191
Chicago, IL

Thank you all so much for the send off a few weeks ago and the many gifts I recieved just before leaving.  God has provided Bibles and gas, coffee and chocolate, and all my many weird diet needs too so I should be good to go for another year here.  Thanks in advance for your continued prayers for this years ministry season.  Here's the biggies:

Numero UNO:  Faithful workers. Pray God raises up people from here to go out to the camps with me.
Numero Dos:  Eager Listeners.  Pray God directs us to those places where people are most hungry for the gospel.
Numero Tres:  Consistency.  Pray God keeps us safe and healthy so we dont miss any disciplship meetings.
Numero Quatro:  Increase.  Pray lots of people get saved and learn to walk with God.
Numero Cinco:   Dinero.  Please pray my donors can make the switch to the new agency.  So far only one has signed on.

Sorry no pictures this time.  I'll post on Facebook when I can get out to the camps and have some smiling faces to show you!  Many blessings to you all for your kindness in supporting me in prayer and dollars.  We'll all reap the reward together when we see Jesus.

yours in Christ until He returns

Friday, April 28, 2017

Hi Everybody !

Thanks for all your faithful support in keeping my little ministry going this year.  It's been an adventure for sure and God is working often in places I least expected.  For example,  on the mornings when I have the strength, I've been going out front and working in the garden.  People pass by and I have been able to get to know just about all the neighbors.  I've had a chance to share the love of Jesus with most of them and tonight a few will come over for a bible study in my home.  Some of these folks are indigenous people from the south, others are just regular city folk who need to find out who Jesus really  is.  Would you stand with me in prayer for this little group that everyone would make it tonight, and that if they're not saved yet, that they would come to know Jesus soon?  If things go well, I'll hand this new small group over to one of the leaders of my church to continue their discipleship after I'm gone.
     Speaking of which, I'll be leaving mexico in just 2 weeks!  I'll travel north for three days to reach Utah in time for a big fat family reunion.  When that's done Dory and I will drive west and hopefully arrive in SLO around the 22 of May.  It's always such a conflict to leave.  I've made some really nice friends here, and planted a huge garden by now that's it will be a painful separation to be extracted from Mexico for the summer.  At the same time, I can feel that my body needs a break.  As the weather warms, I find I'm more and more tired in the afternoons and getting up to the land of free air conditioning would be a great relief.  I miss you guys too, family and friends who pray for me so faithfully, worry a bit too I'm sure, and make me feel so loved and cared for when i finally roll in sunburt and broke every spring.
     So, here are some prayer requests in brief to finish off this years ministry season

Pray those who got a bible will read it, and walk with God
Pray those I discipled will continue faithfully in their relationship with God.
Pray for a successful small group in my house.
Pray a faithful brother can take over the group when I leave.
Pray that house, garden, and cat will be well cared for while I'm away.
Pray God raises up the funds to get me home debt free.

Thanks so much saints !  you all are such a blessing to me!
see you soon 



Friday, January 20, 2017

Thy word was found and I did eat it, and it became the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty.    Jeremiah 15:16

Greetings from sunny Mexico!
           Thank you all for your continued prayers and support enabling me to be down here for another year of evangelism, discipleship and untold adventure.  Each season is different and this one is also unique.  True, I am still battling Lyme and a depressed immune system, but the amazing part is God is allowing me to serve Him even so.  I often feared I would be too fatigued to go out to the camps this year, but thanks to your prayers, your financial support and a gob of pills every day from Doc Thoring, I'm hanging in there.

          This year as well. the ministry took a hit when my faithful driver and co-worker Gerardo was promoted to assistent pastor and moved up to Navajoa.  It is a great opportunity for him and a huge blessing for the pastor, but how was I going to find people on such short notice to fill his shoes?

Well,  God did a miracle and in 5 days he raised up 7 different people to go with me out to the camps!  All of these are brand new workers that I am training to share the gospel.  God is using  me to impart the vision of the work, the value of the indigenous outreach and the lateness of the hour.  They are so eager to learn and responsive to training it's a joy to work with them.  Please keep them in prayer:
Fredy and Tomasa pictured here with some kids from camp nuevo.

July andJesus, a young married couple, not pictured
Yamida and her daughter Yamidita  
 and Luzma.
Please pray that they would grow in their ability and burden for the work of the ministry.  Please keep Gerardo in your prayers too as he's in a totally new situation up there.  Pray he grows in his service and commitment to the Lord and His work.
  As for me, well, just keep praying I get well soon.  Doc says I should see some real improvement from the antibiotics in a few more months.  It seems like such a long time to wait when I've already been sick for a year, I guess you can pray I grow in patience and willingness to let God do things at the pace He chooses.  Please also pray that I can have the strength to teach more students so I can start contributing to my own income again.  I'm so grateful for everyones help while I've been down, but I miss working and the satisfaction of earning my own keep.
               Out in the camps folks are responding to the gospel and small groups are growing.  Adults and children alike are learning the memory verse songs, studying their bibles, and seeing God answer prayer.  Their intense desire for the word of God never stops amazing me, it's humbling really.  Let's keep praying that these young believers continue to grow in the Lord and remain faithful to Him.  Pray the groups keep increasing so I can reach even more people.  Pray my strength increases too so I can go out more often to the camps.  It's a tremendous joy and priviledge to lead the small groups but I do come home pretty worn out when its all over.  Thru your prayers and God's faithfulness we'll get the work done.

Blessings to you all !
lots of love, 
Dory and Prince Whinesalot send their greetings too