Hi Friends and Family,
Well its official now, no more guessing and wondering if its all in my head. This just in today from the Doctor:
All the arthritis, tired all the time, forgetting everything, adrenal fatigue and depressed immune system at least has a name and a reason. So, I've been down here in Mexico for 2 weeks now, tired some days, good on others. I brought all my supplements and they seem to be helping. The plan for now is to stay right here in sunny mexico, starting the antibiotics to kill the Lyme coordinating with the doc here in Culiacan. I would appreciate your continued prayers as it looks like its going to be a long, expensive battle. As far as I've learned, Lyme isn't deadly, and it can be cured with enough antibiotics. Others tell me you never really get rid of it, but it can be managed. So, I'm going to manage it!
I'm going to keep visiting camps in the evenings, keep thanking God everyday for the privilege to serve Him down here among people who want to know how to get to heaven. I promise to take all my pills and not eat bad stuff, and rest when I'm tired.
Most of all I'm writing to garner all your prayers. Good advice is good but it's prayer that really rocks my world. There is an enemy out there who doesn't want the message of God's love and forgiveness to get out. But God is bigger than that enemy. Just keep praying that good triumphs over evil, in my body and in the ministry too. Thru your prayers the truck will keep running, my house will still function, the camps will still be open, people will still be glad to hear about Jesus and I'll have the energy to keep my little English school running as well as visit camps in the evenings. Thru your prayers God will heal me of this nasty bacteria and I'll learn a lot more patience than I ever dreamed was necessary!
Feel free to pass this email on to whomever I may have forgotten to inform. I'm not a private person and I love to know others are praying for my recovery. By God's grace I'll steadily improve over the coming months in time to migrate back to California the first week of May and hopefully a big family reunion shortly after. A huge thank you to those who have supported me, prayed and worried, and done so much to help me get down here. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus ;o)
Blessings to you all
verse of the hour:
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16