here's the group i meet with on fridays at camp san jose
Pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. Ephesians 6:19
Thanks friends
For just such prayers for me. The ministry is picking up now that the weather has turned cooler and lots of people are filling up the camps. I've been doing bible study three nights a week and then taking a gang to church on sundays.
With new tires on the truck we can take up to 12 guys with us to Cesar's church every sunday. last night even more asked to come along. we'll figure something out, they are so blessed to find a good church and I'm thrilled to bits to see them responding to the Lord with such joy.
One guy got up and gave testimony during sharing time. he said he had prayed to find a church he could go to and get encouraged. he says we turned up just in time and he was so grateful. Praise God for that. We've given out quite a number of bibles and new testaments. Guess i better restock again when i get home.
My flight comes in to SLO december 15th and i'll be staying until dec 31. I'll fly back to Culiacan un-pack and re-pack to leave for caborca the next day if that's humanly possible. We'll drive the truck up with whatever missionary-wanna-be's want to join in the fun. We'll share the gospel up there along side Dave and Ella McMullen as well as show the Jesus film and give out even more new testaments and bibles.
Thanks again for making all this possible for me. Its been a difficult couple of weeks recently but with your prayer support and the grace of God all will be well.
Here are the latest prayer requests in brief:
God raise up more workers so i can get out to the camps more often
God provide more students so i can pay for the needs down here on my own.
God draw Gerardo back to Himself, back to the camp ministry and back to church.
God provide another sister to live in the house here with me.
God keep the drama in the SLO house to a minimum
God would lead and provide for another great mission trip to Caborca
my birthday party with some of the kids who join me in the camps |
these gals have been a real support to me in the work down here |
thanks again, so much, saints for your partnership with me in the gospel. Looking forward to seeing many of you soon.