Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hi everyone,
First of all a big thanks again to those of you who contributed to the flood relief last month.  Things have dried up now,  most the broken sewer pipes are fixed, and praise God the mosquitos are finally starting to dwindle.  Those in the small towns who lost everything will still need prayer, ask God to help them seek the Lord for their needs and find Him to be all sufficient.
      As for me,  I'm glad to find there are enough people already here in the camps to fill up 4 nights a week.  Even though I've been doing this for a year now, I'm still so pleasantly surprised at the grand reception they give us.  One of the common responses when i ask someone if they are a christian and if they want a bible is this.  "well i'm not a christian but i really would like to read the Word of God."  Oh MY GOSH OF COURSE HERES A BIBLE!  
           This past monday i started up bible study again in camp san Nico with a number of these not-christian-yet types.  Esther translated as i shared how receiving Jesus into your heart begins a life long relationship similar to the first time you receive a guest into your home.  You're not really friends if thats the only conversation you've ever had.  We need to keep the friendship going.  I'm making great effort this year to teach people how to seek God directly in prayer and in the word right from day 1 of salvation.  Its common around here for people to only worship, pray and hear the word at church time while forgetting him the rest of the time.  We talked a lot on monday how babies need to learn to be self feeding as do babes in Christ.  Please pray I'm able to communicate this effectively
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Esther, Booboo, me and the kids of San Nico.

    I also want to thank you all once again for the truck, we're packing it with more and more people each week, as we go to church in Villa Juarez.
------- hold on a minute.... here comes the ice cream man.... gotta go share Jesus.... brb------

       So, after a full sunday morning at Amigos and Hermanos, i rest up for an hour or so before leaving for Pastor Cesar's church in Villa Juarez.  On the way i'll stop by two or three different camps, to pick-up whoever wants to join us.  this always reminds me of the verse that says go to the highways and byways and compel them to come in.  Its a lot of fun and there are more people each week.  The church is still small enough to fit in Cesar's front patio, but not for long.  I'm looking forward to preaching there one of these sundays when pastor Cesar has to go visit another church plant.  please pray God gives me something very encouraging to edify the church.

Add 8 more people to this picture to get an idea of how many we're packing in now
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    Lastly, i wanted to share about Abel.   I told many of you about him in service last summer when i spoke.  He and his family are still doing really well.  In fact, they now join us in reaching out to the other camps.  This is so wonderful to see.  I pray all the others coming to small group bible studies will pursue the Lord the way he and his family have.

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this is abel, and Cesars gang at Almas birthday party.  they were so proud to serve us dinner ;o)

so prayer requests in summery are as follows:

more workers sent out to visit more camps
continued open doors into the camps
young believers truly grow in Christ
God anoints my messages
God adds students to my school and thus more gas in my tank
The Lord enlarges our understanding and vision of His will for this season of ministry
Gerardo and Ruben, on mission to Oaxaca this month with my boss Mike Hendricks, get some good missionary training

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Gerardo and Ruben with guitars donated from FBC members

Thanks all for your prayers and faithful monetary support.  I really appreciate it and God is clearly using you all in many lives.
If any one of you writes me back and shares prayer requests, I'd love to pray more specifically for you.
Biggest blessings ever!


PS  dont forget you can join me, natalie, gerardo, ruben and several others on a short mission trip to Caborca this january.  Its only about 500 bucks and 10 days out of your life to bring bibles and the gospel message to people who have never heard it before.  pretty awesome.  com'on pastor Tom,  you know you wanna!