Sunday, December 9, 2012

Acts 22:14-15

New International Version (NIV)
14 “Then he said: ‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. 15 You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard. 

Hi all,
 This verse was God's encouragement to me the other morning.  I'm always glad when the Lord Himself reminds me of why I'm here, what we're doing, and of His support and approval of this whole project.  There have been days when i began to wonder whats going on, then i get something like this, we start to pray, and then there's always a turn of events. 
        So lately i've been adding one student a week to my tutoring schedule.  I've got a couple of schools lined up for january as well as classes of my own planned.  Should be fun.  
    This picture/video below is one of the classes where i taught dance routines.  The big school Christmas program is this wednesday, woohoo!
          Things are going well at Amigos and Hermanos too.  The pastor there is interested in visiting camps as well as a number of members.  It appears God wants to use me as a mobilizer as much as an evangelist, to get some of the folks in the churches here adopting different camps for discipleship and weekly bible study.   We're planning on heading out to a camp again this monday God willing, just a few of us to see what God might raise up out there.  Please pray nothing stops us from going, and that God leads us to a camp that really needs discipleship.
          The only thing that really hasn't materialized is sufficient funds to get home for Christmas and get my stuff.  My folks were willing to pay for a flight home but that would just be frustrating knowing i've got a van waiting for me in phoenix and a bunch of furniture and things at my house waiting to be moved down here.  So, I've told them i'd make one last check in with you all to see if anyone has ability and desire to contribute to my homecoming.  If thats the case please let me know right away.   
           Otherwise it looks like i'll just be having myself a merry little Christmas mexican style.  Not the end of the world really,  I have alot of friends here and even a short mission trip opportunity i could take if i stay.  One thing i really learned this summer at YWAM was to not be afraid to let God change all my well laid plans, let Him be God, while i trust and see what He wants to do.  His ideas are always way more rewarding and life changing than mine were anyway. 
                Lately, I've taken to just asking God to give me an opportunity to share the love of Jesus everyday with someone.  Its so awesome to see all the many and varied ways He makes that happen.  Ahh, I'm just so glad you guys let me come down here as a missionary,  I really feel like i've found my corner of the harvest field.  Thank you so much for helping me accomplish Gods calling on my life.  Please write back with prayer requests of your own so i can also participate in Gods calling on your lives as well.

many blessings to you all!
